Matawhaura Cluster
We have established a stronger connection between the schools that surround Lake Rotoiti and have been working collaboratively for the past 4 years. This has involved the 3 schools coming together for school sports and academic events. Staff development is also shared among all staff at these kura. It has been very successful and will continue to build our whanaungatanga among our tamariki well in to the future.
Kapa Haka & Te Reo Maori
We pride ourselves on the way we do Kapa Haka. We powhiri visitors and make them feel welcome. We learn, sing & haka about our iwi & ancestors. Our whole school participates in Kapa Haka. We have performed at cultural days/evenings in Rotorua and every year we perform at our school prizegiving. Teachers speak and instruct in Te Reo Maori in Auraki (Mainstream) 30-50% of the learning programmes everyday. Our Rumaki Unit is 100% instruction in Te Reo Maori.
Whangamarino Community
We enjoy a unique Ngati Pikiao identity which stems from years of being part of the local communities of Mourea, Otaramarae and Okere Falls. Approximately 98% of the population is Maori. Fishing and pig hunting (as well the tranquil peace) is special to the locals. The village also features several marae, church, wharf (great for swimming and fishing), Pikiao sports clubroom and a Kohanga Reo. We are situated close to popular tourist attractions e.g. white water rafting, marae concerts and the local Okere Falls Store.
Our Facilites
Main block – 5 x Classrooms, 1 x Withdrawal Space &
Bottom School – 2 Classrooms/Toilets/Kitchen – Fully
Fenced & Gated Block
Administration Building – Office, Principal’s
Office, Staffroom, Teachers Work Space/Resource
Room, Sick Bay with Disability
Pataka – School Kitchen
A Swimming Pool
Large Recreational Field
Rongoa and Vegetable Gardens
Kohanga Reo on site
Te Whare Matauranga – Library
Modern Learning Environment Furniture